Sunday, July 10, 2011


I wonder if it's ok to bring a hair dryer and straighteners on a 6 month round the world trip?

Est xxx

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beautiful bathroom

Just practicing 'blog making'.  Thought you might like:)

Est xxx

Exciting news!

Hello dear friends

It has been an interesting few months since moving to Christchurch in December last year.  We have settled in really well, met some wonderful people, Ben has settled into school so well, Naomi is really enjoying kindergarten and Alex is enjoying his job.  But, the earthquake of 22 February and all the aftershocks since then have been very difficult for us (especially me, to be honest Alex and the children are fine, Benny and Naomi even slept through a 5.4 last week, crazy!!).

A couple of weeks ago we decided that it would be a good idea to get away for a while and Alex has asked KPMG for some time off work.  So, Ben and Naomi and I will be heading to England in August.  Alex will join us in October (after his busy season at work, and he will fit in a few Rugby World Cup games  before he leaves), we will then have some time in Europe, and America and Australia, before coming back to NZ in April 2012.

I have decided to set up this blog to keep in contact with our friends (and show you my shopping purchases via the internet, but don't tell Alex!).

We will miss NZ, and Christchurch and all our friends when we are away, but we are looking forward to our adventures, and to having a once in a lifetime exciting experience as a family.

I hope you will enjoy our (my) blog.

Est xxx