Friday, September 21, 2012

I'll be doing chicken shapes next!

I know, I know, two blogs in one day again!!

But I had to share, I know you would want to know that, just now... hedges went from this... this...

..with this...

...and it was....bliss!!!!

Est xxx

New life

It's all happening at Chez Skinner (actually our house name is Mayfield, but we haven't really used it yet...maybe we should do though, it is rather lovely) and every day we are realising just how lovely it is to be living in the country. This morning a rabbit hopped past our window, it was just like Watership Down - but without the sad bits.

Ducklings in the paddock, just noticed them yesterday, the ducks live at the front of the house, in the ditches (for want of a better word) that go along the side of the road, which are full of water at present. There are pukekos up the road too, and I love pukekos.

Sheep doing what they do best (after eating grass), standing around pondering the unusually strange behaviour of human beings.

We have experienced four lambs being born in our paddocks since we arrived, and they are beautiful to see - they really do prance.

And, in the words of the wonderful William Wordsworth:

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils


Est xxx

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dishy Diva

I was at my dear friend Catherine's house in Christchurch recently when I spotted something short dark and handsome in her kitchen. 'Wow, I love it', I proclaimed excitedly, 'I just have to put him on the blog!!!'

Well, a few weeks later Catherine arrived at our new home with a very thoughtful housewarming gift. A lovely little lady to brighten up my kitchen and our lives, and here she is, and what a dashing little plastic diva she is too!

She has improved mine and Naomi's hairbrush pop-miming no end!

We have stars in our eyes!!!

And I am certainly not going to spoil her lovely hairdo by doing anything so silly as to use her for the washing up!

Est xxx