Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Notes from the garden

Sorry for the very tardy blog post, I have been very busy in the garden (yes, and the dog did eat my homework;), and 'busy' does not mean sitting out in the sun reading my book, no sirree!  Weeding, planting, spraying, hedging (I do like the hedge trimmer, and cutting the hedges nice and straight so appeals to the virgoan perfectionist in me) and just general time sitting around worrying that I should be doing more gardening, has been taking up a lot of my energy.  

Yesterday Alex covered up all the strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries with netting so that the birds don't eat all our crops this season.  Actually, he has wrapped them up so well I am not sure how we are going to eat all our crops this season, but I didn't like to say that, it all looks so neat and tidy and he was so proud of himself;)

Last week we ate our own carrots and rhubarb and asparagus from the garden.  They are all perrenial* vegetables which means that they come back every year (who knew?) so we take no credit for this veggie growing but it does sounds like we have done something special when I say that first line doesn't it?

I have to show you something.  This is a photograph of an asparagus growing!!!  Well, you could have knocked me over with an asparagus.  I haven't been this surprised since I realised pineapples grow on the ground. Have you ever seen anything like it?  Straight up out of the ground!  It just appeared one day.  There it was, boom, out of nowhere.  And, the best thing is that when you cut them off at the bottom, the next day, you go out and there is another one!  Just like that.  

You learn something new every day don't you?  I don't know about you, but I have a lot to learn - maybe I should start learning two things a day, just to keep up.

We have finally invested in a ride on mower.  It is a Husqvarna Rider with a 42 inch cutting deck at the front, unique articulated steering, optional mulching plug, headlights so Alex can mow in the dark, and most importantly, it is ORANGE.

Go Naomi!

Est xxx

*I have been learning a lot of new terms and phrases since moving to the country, like perrenial, herbaceous, propogating,.....sheep....  It is a whole new dictionary for us townies types.

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