Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Sorry for the long pause in my recent blogging, life has been good, and busy, and it is actually a little harder to blog when you are back in the school pick up drop off routine, back grocery shopping and bed making and blah blah blah, you know that stuff.

Anyway, exciting stuff, yes, I have been shopping for the new house already, you know me!! Thought you might like to see these little bargains I found on TradeMe.

A writing desk, just like the old days, with a drop down desk and little compartments inside for your paper and envelopes and 'social stationary' to send out for housewarming parties;). For the landing, where it will look beautiful, and of course, that is it's main job.

New (to us) bookcase for Naomi's bedroom, I have already lost one of the little pin things to keep the shelf on, it must be ratting around in the car somewhere, but I have three and a half weeks (26 days!) until we move in, to find it.

And four dining chairs for the kitchen dining area, I couldn't resist as they were so comfortable, so beautifully made and such an absolute bargain - I paid the same price for four as I have seen them selling for just one! Now I just have to find a table to go with them;)

Alex dispairs, he says 'Esther, please can you not buy anything else, until we move in, we don't know what we have and where everything will go and what we will need'.

Well, he might not know, but I do.

Now I am working on Alex for a bargain sofa bed, which I have seen on TradeMe recently, and of course we absolutely will need a sofa bed, for when everyone comes to stay!!

Wish me luck!

Est xxx

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