Thursday, June 28, 2012

Filling the Gap

You remember in Australia when I saw the Yasi Cafe and laughed that I couldn't see anyone in Christchurch opening up a 'Bar 6.3'?


There are lots of new bars and restaurants popping up around the city, around the back of buildings, down alleyways and in shipping containers, it's pretty exciting, and I am making it my mission to try them all out. But I was quite excited to see this new place open in one of the 'gaps' created by the removal of damaged buildings.

It is called Smash Palace, and as you can see, it is basically just a piece of land with rather tongue-in-cheek scaffolding and plastic sheeting for walls all around it. The fairy lights at night send out a red and blue and green hue and the bar is just an old caravan in the middle!

I do really want to go, and apparently it is pretty cool, and, although I hear you do get a granny blanket and a hot water bottle with every alcoholic beverage, I haven't yet been brave enough to sit and endure the sub zero Christchurch evening temperatures. Maybe I should harden up, do the kiwi thing and just put on another jumper.

Maybe I will. Watch this 'space'!

Happy nearly weekend!

Est xxx

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