Monday, August 27, 2012

Washing lines

The Ohoka weather for the last three days have been just like summer, despite it not even being officially spring yet - it is terribly exciting. I am especially proud (in a way that only a bored housewife can be;) that every article of laundry in my house has been washed and dried in the sun on our new washing line over the veggie patch. There truly is nothing like the smell of linen fresh from the line is there?

When I went to collect my new tea towel in, I could not help but think that you may be inspired by it's message, so snapped a photo in the evening light.


Est xxx

P.S. I know, I know, my blog posts are like buses:)

Those Meddling Kids

Naomi and Benny have decided on the name for our new doggy (if we ever get him, it is a bit responsibility, to be thought through carefully and sensibly. The last few weeks in Ohoka have been terribly wet and three different dogs jumped up on me last week, which has put me off somewhat, especially the day when I was wearing my new pink jacket. Ok, I know that was probably asking for trouble in the country).

Anyway, I know we don't have the dog yet, but we do have the name!

Scooby Dooby Doooo!!

But which one does that make me?

Shaggy xxx

Monday, August 20, 2012

Green Fingers

After a rigorous week of a. learning to prune roses, and b. pruning about sixty (felt like, million) roses, on Friday I took some photos of our lovely garden for you. Maybe I will get into this gardening lark, it is actually very therapeutic, as they do say.

'Winter roses' in bloom.

Spring is in the air:)

Strawberry fields forever.

The tools of the trade.

Our secret garden - shhh, don't tell anyone:)

And a place to sit and enjoy that very well earned Sauvignon Blanc at the end of the day, ahhhh.

And finally, after a special request from Mr Pete Hendry, may I introduce our rooster and his three chicken harem. I was a little concerned about having a rooster as I was worried about getting little baby chickens, but a friend of mine gave me some advice. 'Just keep them busy' (?) she said. So I am getting them a flat screen telly and mysky for their coup. That should do it.

Est xxx

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moving ups and downs

Hello friends. Back in the blogging world now, as I only have 5 acres of lawn to mow, so lots of free time for wasting, hahahahahaha (sound of hysterical maniacal laughter...).

Moving to the new house was very exciting, of course, but not without the inevitable damage and loss that can come with such an upheaval.

Sadly, there were casualties...

Yes, we are insured, there will be an inquest and there will be questions that need to be answered, but no amount of research, blaming or finger-pointing will bring him back will it?

On a happier note, we are now one of the few establishments in New Zealand who are able to claim with pride that we have 'our mate' on our pantry shelves. Luckily, Alex squirreled it away in a Crown packing box last year and it was unearthed this week. Saving for a rainy day has never been this sweet.

More soon, off to potting group now (plants, not plates).

Est xxx

P.S. To all our northern hemisphere friends, The Marmite Factory* was damaged in the quake and there has since been a severe shortage of Marmite, it has reached epic proportions with sales on Trademe reaching never- before recorded prices for a yeast extract toast spread. Liquid gold.

*Possibly not actual name

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Short Weight?

So, you could probably tell from the distinct lack of blog posts (sorry about that), that we have been busy, moving in and unpacking, pottering, titivating, fluffing (mostly me) and being productive (mostly Alex) and we are feeling more and more settled in our new house every day:)

But before I tell you all about that, I have to tell you that last night, I was getting ready for a romantic night out with my lovely husband to celebrate sixteen years of fun filled marriage, when Naomi came into our ensuite (woo hoo!) bathroom.

She said, pulling the scales out, 'I wonder how much I weigh?'

She stepped on and said contentedly, 'Mmmm, about three inches.'

Est xxx

P.S. It's only a number;)

Location:Short weight?