Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Doggy Tail

Two days until we get the keys to our house and we can not wait! Benny and Naomi started at their new school (yes, another one, but hopefully that is it for a while now), Ohoka School (the one next door to our new house) on Monday and they seem to have settled in really well up to now. I am so proud of them, and how well they have dealt so well with all the changes recently. Naomi ran out out the first day with a big smile, proclaiming that she had had a 'lovely day' and social butterfly Benny has already been invited on a playdate and is swapping phone numbers!

The mums I have met up to now have all been lovely and friendly and welcoming too, so it has been a good start all round. Eleven new children started on Monday which shows there has certainly been some growth in the Ohoka region recently.

With that in mind, someone really needs to open a cafe/wine bar here soon, I am sure it would be a huge success, it is very cold standing around the school gates chatting. I hope someone else does quickly though, as otherwise Alex is talking about us doing it, and that all sounds like a lot of hard work to me. You know I would much prefer to sit and drink and talk in a cafe rather than having to actually do any work in it (and imagine the food poisoning court cases!). It reminds me of the (very short) time that I worked in a pub, I really didn't like it, dealing with all those drunk people. I definitely know on which side of the bar I belong thank you very much!

Anyway, with two more days to go until the start of a new chapter in our lives, conversations about doggies have been taking place. Even Alex has started mentioning our dog, and where it is going to sleep (NOT in Ben's bed apparently), so the brainwashing techniques have been more successful than I imagined!

I looked on Trade Me, where I seem to be doing all my shopping recently, and found that there is an organization called Dog Watch in Canterbury who are trying to save and re-home the dogs from the pound who otherwise may lose their lives.

So, whilst Naomi is very keen for the pitter patter of a small white fluff ball like this...

Or this...

I have seen Tess, a little labrabor cross puppy who looks just divine.

Or maybe Jake, a greyhound cross, from the SPCA?

Naomi and I went to Animates pet shop a few days ago, just to have a look. Naomi saw a lovely little one, so we were watching it for a while before it had to do it's 'business' on the floor. We then watched, shocked, horrified and open mouthed, as it turned around and proceeded to eat it's own poo!!!

'Awww, we should get that one', said Naomi, her eyes sparkling with a look of delight, 'it is so good, it tidies up it's own poo so we don't have to clean it up!!!'

Est xxx

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