Friday, August 19, 2011

London town

Hello everyone

Arrived safely in London Heathrow yesterday. Naomi and Benjamin travelled so well (thanks in the most part to the wonders of modern technology rather than any particularly positive parenting from me) and Benjamin did well carrying a rather large heavy backpack all around, but I guess that's what you do when you are a seven year old backpacker;) And, I watched 4 films, which was bit of a bonus (film reviews at the end for buffs).

B & N went to bed last night at 8pm and I stayed up chatting to our lovely hosts Justin and Nina until after 12.30am. I did rather regret when my lovely children woke me up - at 3.15AM!!!!!

We spotted a fox in the garden this morning which was very exciting!!! Tried to get a photo but a cat (?!?) chased it away before I could get my camera.

Otherwise, we have had a nice quiet day having quality time with the cousins. I will post photos, when I work out how to do that from the iPad, mmmmm.

Est xxx

Film reviews
West is West - good, but not as good as East is East
After the waterfall - melancholy poignant NZ drama, artistic, don't watch it for a laugh
Arthur - Loved it. Loved Russell Brand and Helen Mirren, perfectly cast. Made me happy
Driving Miss Daisy - I know, I must be the only person in the world not to have already seen it, but it was beautiful, the way a film should be.
Due Date - 10 mins so doesn't count. Seriously. Didn't anybody tell them about John Candy and Steve Martin?

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