Saturday, August 27, 2011

NZ Correspondent sabotages the blog

I just couldn't help myself.....

Just got off the phone and Esther was explaining how full on her last few days were - to the extent she hasn't even had a chance to go shopping yet.  Im pretty sure when she does get the chance to shop, her bags will be weighing her down (not that this blog entry is full and unfettered permission to go out and spend up large!).

I am sitting here, in ChCh still feeling those shakes 3.5 was the last one, thinking Est is definitely in the right place at the moment - even if it is Hull.  I am looking forward to a busy weekend, unsure whether Im going to add any value to the quiz team tonight (OK pretty sure I will not), unsure whether my tee off at Terrace Downs tomorrow morning is going to be a complete flop (dont put money on that one) but totally sure that I am missing my wife and kids.

I quite enjoy this blog lark, perhaps I should start a competing/complimentary blog.

Home alone
Alex (Esther's official NZ correspondent) Skinner

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