Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Public In-Conveniences

At last, I am back!!! So, after speaking to not one, not two, but three separate Vodafone employees who tried to 'activate my sim' online to enable me to get on to the Internet (some of them tried to encourage me to activate my sim online myself, I tried to explain to them that I was unable to go online to activate my aim because I could not get online as my 'sim' had not been 'activated'!!!) I finally got hold of an employee (possibly the only employee) in Vodafone who sounded like he had a clue. By this time I was nearly crying with frustration. He helped me to change my settings on the iPad, no Internet involved at all, and aha, I could have hugged him, I was online. I told him that I could not express my emotions, I was so ecstatic. He said did I think he deserved a pay rise? I said forget pay rise, he should be be promoted to head of training at Vodafone UK! Oh well, hopefully he is feeling good about himself now, I have made someone's day;)

Ahhh, but I am happy again now, I am back in my happy place. With you, my dear friends.

So, on with the story. Today we had a family outing for Naomi's 5th Birthday. I cannot believe that my little baby angel is 5!!! She had a lovely day with Ben and her three little girl cousins in Hull.

It was a Hello Kitty day, which was not intentional. Naomi got a new Hello Kitty top as a present, then chose a Hello Kitty cake from Tesco (£12, so convenient, so cheap, so, 'why would you bake it?') and then Ellie and Ciara turned up in Hello Kitty clothes too. When England does a craze, it does it well.

Went for a pub meal and whilst using the facilities (I don't mean to always talk about toilets, please excuse me) I realised that there was no loo roll, and not only was there no loo roll, but there was no loo roll holder as the loo roll holder had obviously been pulled out of the wall and someone had vaguely plastered over the holes in the wall. So, I thought idly, surely the staff must know about this no loo roll situation!?!

Anyway, this put me in mind of the worst public toilet I have ever been to in England, based on the usual toilets requirements/'nice to haves'.

Yes, there are the frustrations, the annoyances, no loo roll, dirty, blocked.

The toilet I went to had all of these problems and lo and behold, someone had also managed to walk away with the toilet seat!!!!

...As I was contemplating just how desperate I really was, I turned around in the cubical and saw there was no door.

It was then I realised I could probably wait.

Thank you to my Christchurch correspondant for keeping the blog alive whilst I was otherwise 'engaged', but it is nice to be back!

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5th Birthday Naomi! Sounds like you had a great "Hello Kitty" Day! Hopefully your pressie arrive at Alex's parents? It should have almost bet you there! Love Anna, Rich and Bella (she's misses you and Benjamin!)
