Monday, August 29, 2011

Still no Esther....

Dont worry Esther blog fans.  She is alive and kicking but unfortunately continues to have internet issues.  A rush into the vodaphone store on Sunday afternoon should have fixed matters.  But alas no.  She was sold a 3g card, even had it inserted in the ipad.  but then was told to go home and log onto the net and......yes did you spot the problem here!  log onto the net in a household with no internet.  mmmmm. So the obvious request was for the vodaphone shop to log on for her, but alas, no, the vodaphone shop did not have access to the net themselves.

So this evening the obvious next step was to find all the hotspots in Hull for free wifi.  A quick google search gave me five hits - unfortunately they were all in York - 55 km away.  Hull seems to be a netless place!

So Im afraid that I can not guarantee when our queen of blogs will return, but in the meantime I will continue to share her ordeals and keep you up to date.

It is all exciting in the Edwards (Esther's maiden name) household today as it is Naomi's birthday.  She is five and has been totally spoilt.  Lots of presents to open and new toys to play with.  She should be at school tomorrow - so technically she is wagging - what a way to start her education - not turning up for the first 8 months!!  Esther hasn't talked about her home schooling yet - Im sure we will get a blog on that one.  Here are a few photos of Naomi - she hasn't quite got the knack of make up yet.  The last photo is her angelic side...

So until next time, maybe Est, maybe not.

Alex (keeping the blog alive) Skinner

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