Thursday, August 25, 2011

A soggy story

There was a slight blip in the great British summertime yesterday so we decided it would be a good day to go to the pool. The kids and I had a splashing time in the wave pool, spa pool (not long enough for me) and on the water slides (I was very brave).

Alex's mum took this photo before being told by the pool attendant that photography was not allowed in the pool (yet another classic case of UK political correctness gone mad). Alex's mum laughed afterwards and said, 'Esther, at least I got one photo for your blog.'

Yes, my dear friends. What can I say? We will go to any lengths for you. It is all about the blog.

Actually, that does put me in mind of another little story the first time my sister and I took our new babies to the pool about seven years ago. We took some photos of each other holding the babies in their armbands before we went into the pool.

We went home afterwards and showed the whole family the photos, but Collette and I had spotted something whilst everyone else was oooing and ahhhing over the children.

And they didn't even spot it when we told them to look again at the photo...

Nobody spotted the poor innocent unsuspecting totally full frontal naked lady getting changed in the background!!!

Ok, maybe there is a good reason for no cameras at the pool.

Est xxx

PS. Yes, we did delete it;)

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