Sunday, August 21, 2011

User Error?

Yesterday I left Justin and Nina's house in Redhill to drive to Alex's Mum and Dad's house in Norwich.

Started out nice and early (which is easy to do when you are awake at 5.15am) and switched on my trusty new iPad best friend Sat Nav and off we went.

1 hour into our '2 hour journey' to Norfolk I began to get suspicious that I had not yet reached a motorway (or 35 miles an hour for that matter) and the street names were sounding familiar from the last episode of Eastenders that I watched in 1996. The big red buses should have been the real giveaway though.

I checked with my little friend.

The little blighter was taking me the 'quickest route' to Norfolk. How was I to know that the quickest route was through the centre of the busiest craziest capital city in the blimmin' first world?

So embarrassed!!!

People do not drive through the centre of London - especially girl drivers like me!!!

4 and a half hours later I arrived in Norwich. Glad to be alive, nerves in tatters but with my character well and truly built.

And it only cost me £10 for the experience.

Est xxx

PS. Took the photo through the windscreen whilst driving over Tower Bridge. Everyone else was taking photos. It seemed rude not to join in, I was in London after all;)

1 comment:

  1. Est - that is classic! You poor thing! Love the photo on Tower Bridge!
