Thursday, November 8, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a novel idea!

With the introduction of cell phones, mobile phones and smart phones and the reduction of actual talking to get your message across, as opposed to texting your communication using the least amount of characters necessary, (lol;), the humble telephone box has pretty much reached the point of obsolescence - but not in some British villages where they are being reduced, reused and recycled in a very special and unique way.

Check out this book exchange. What an incredibly beautiful idea - it makes my heart glad. I hope this idea rolls out to NZ in the near future.

Maybe I should set one up in Ohoka...

Now, just have to find a phone box...

Est xxx

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Notes from the garden

Sorry for the very tardy blog post, I have been very busy in the garden (yes, and the dog did eat my homework;), and 'busy' does not mean sitting out in the sun reading my book, no sirree!  Weeding, planting, spraying, hedging (I do like the hedge trimmer, and cutting the hedges nice and straight so appeals to the virgoan perfectionist in me) and just general time sitting around worrying that I should be doing more gardening, has been taking up a lot of my energy.  

Yesterday Alex covered up all the strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries with netting so that the birds don't eat all our crops this season.  Actually, he has wrapped them up so well I am not sure how we are going to eat all our crops this season, but I didn't like to say that, it all looks so neat and tidy and he was so proud of himself;)

Last week we ate our own carrots and rhubarb and asparagus from the garden.  They are all perrenial* vegetables which means that they come back every year (who knew?) so we take no credit for this veggie growing but it does sounds like we have done something special when I say that first line doesn't it?

I have to show you something.  This is a photograph of an asparagus growing!!!  Well, you could have knocked me over with an asparagus.  I haven't been this surprised since I realised pineapples grow on the ground. Have you ever seen anything like it?  Straight up out of the ground!  It just appeared one day.  There it was, boom, out of nowhere.  And, the best thing is that when you cut them off at the bottom, the next day, you go out and there is another one!  Just like that.  

You learn something new every day don't you?  I don't know about you, but I have a lot to learn - maybe I should start learning two things a day, just to keep up.

We have finally invested in a ride on mower.  It is a Husqvarna Rider with a 42 inch cutting deck at the front, unique articulated steering, optional mulching plug, headlights so Alex can mow in the dark, and most importantly, it is ORANGE.

Go Naomi!

Est xxx

*I have been learning a lot of new terms and phrases since moving to the country, like perrenial, herbaceous, propogating,.....sheep....  It is a whole new dictionary for us townies types.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Go directly to jail, do not receive $200

With Christchurch becoming the foremost city in the world for demolition training in the building industry, it is nice to find unexpected things filling the gaps to make the sadness a little happier.

I was walking in our local town Kaiapoi the other day and came across this...

And my favourite, which I haven't seen in person yet, but spotted in the newspaper. I love the section heading, 'city beautification'.

And the silver monopoly piece is a crane!

Completely inspired! How wonderful to have talented artists involved in the rebuild, it makes you excited about the future:)

Est xxx

Friday, September 21, 2012

I'll be doing chicken shapes next!

I know, I know, two blogs in one day again!!

But I had to share, I know you would want to know that, just now... hedges went from this... this...

..with this...

...and it was....bliss!!!!

Est xxx

New life

It's all happening at Chez Skinner (actually our house name is Mayfield, but we haven't really used it yet...maybe we should do though, it is rather lovely) and every day we are realising just how lovely it is to be living in the country. This morning a rabbit hopped past our window, it was just like Watership Down - but without the sad bits.

Ducklings in the paddock, just noticed them yesterday, the ducks live at the front of the house, in the ditches (for want of a better word) that go along the side of the road, which are full of water at present. There are pukekos up the road too, and I love pukekos.

Sheep doing what they do best (after eating grass), standing around pondering the unusually strange behaviour of human beings.

We have experienced four lambs being born in our paddocks since we arrived, and they are beautiful to see - they really do prance.

And, in the words of the wonderful William Wordsworth:

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils


Est xxx

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dishy Diva

I was at my dear friend Catherine's house in Christchurch recently when I spotted something short dark and handsome in her kitchen. 'Wow, I love it', I proclaimed excitedly, 'I just have to put him on the blog!!!'

Well, a few weeks later Catherine arrived at our new home with a very thoughtful housewarming gift. A lovely little lady to brighten up my kitchen and our lives, and here she is, and what a dashing little plastic diva she is too!

She has improved mine and Naomi's hairbrush pop-miming no end!

We have stars in our eyes!!!

And I am certainly not going to spoil her lovely hairdo by doing anything so silly as to use her for the washing up!

Est xxx

Monday, August 27, 2012

Washing lines

The Ohoka weather for the last three days have been just like summer, despite it not even being officially spring yet - it is terribly exciting. I am especially proud (in a way that only a bored housewife can be;) that every article of laundry in my house has been washed and dried in the sun on our new washing line over the veggie patch. There truly is nothing like the smell of linen fresh from the line is there?

When I went to collect my new tea towel in, I could not help but think that you may be inspired by it's message, so snapped a photo in the evening light.


Est xxx

P.S. I know, I know, my blog posts are like buses:)

Those Meddling Kids

Naomi and Benny have decided on the name for our new doggy (if we ever get him, it is a bit responsibility, to be thought through carefully and sensibly. The last few weeks in Ohoka have been terribly wet and three different dogs jumped up on me last week, which has put me off somewhat, especially the day when I was wearing my new pink jacket. Ok, I know that was probably asking for trouble in the country).

Anyway, I know we don't have the dog yet, but we do have the name!

Scooby Dooby Doooo!!

But which one does that make me?

Shaggy xxx

Monday, August 20, 2012

Green Fingers

After a rigorous week of a. learning to prune roses, and b. pruning about sixty (felt like, million) roses, on Friday I took some photos of our lovely garden for you. Maybe I will get into this gardening lark, it is actually very therapeutic, as they do say.

'Winter roses' in bloom.

Spring is in the air:)

Strawberry fields forever.

The tools of the trade.

Our secret garden - shhh, don't tell anyone:)

And a place to sit and enjoy that very well earned Sauvignon Blanc at the end of the day, ahhhh.

And finally, after a special request from Mr Pete Hendry, may I introduce our rooster and his three chicken harem. I was a little concerned about having a rooster as I was worried about getting little baby chickens, but a friend of mine gave me some advice. 'Just keep them busy' (?) she said. So I am getting them a flat screen telly and mysky for their coup. That should do it.

Est xxx

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moving ups and downs

Hello friends. Back in the blogging world now, as I only have 5 acres of lawn to mow, so lots of free time for wasting, hahahahahaha (sound of hysterical maniacal laughter...).

Moving to the new house was very exciting, of course, but not without the inevitable damage and loss that can come with such an upheaval.

Sadly, there were casualties...

Yes, we are insured, there will be an inquest and there will be questions that need to be answered, but no amount of research, blaming or finger-pointing will bring him back will it?

On a happier note, we are now one of the few establishments in New Zealand who are able to claim with pride that we have 'our mate' on our pantry shelves. Luckily, Alex squirreled it away in a Crown packing box last year and it was unearthed this week. Saving for a rainy day has never been this sweet.

More soon, off to potting group now (plants, not plates).

Est xxx

P.S. To all our northern hemisphere friends, The Marmite Factory* was damaged in the quake and there has since been a severe shortage of Marmite, it has reached epic proportions with sales on Trademe reaching never- before recorded prices for a yeast extract toast spread. Liquid gold.

*Possibly not actual name

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Short Weight?

So, you could probably tell from the distinct lack of blog posts (sorry about that), that we have been busy, moving in and unpacking, pottering, titivating, fluffing (mostly me) and being productive (mostly Alex) and we are feeling more and more settled in our new house every day:)

But before I tell you all about that, I have to tell you that last night, I was getting ready for a romantic night out with my lovely husband to celebrate sixteen years of fun filled marriage, when Naomi came into our ensuite (woo hoo!) bathroom.

She said, pulling the scales out, 'I wonder how much I weigh?'

She stepped on and said contentedly, 'Mmmm, about three inches.'

Est xxx

P.S. It's only a number;)

Location:Short weight?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Moving Day is today!

Just had a lovely morning at the Farmers Market, chatting with new friends and buying cakes and apple juice (it was originally $4, but the lady let me pay $3, as a 'Welcome to Ohoka' present, and because I told her that everyone told me I had to buy her apple juice, as it was the best for miles, and it is very nice:).

The lawyers have just called to let us know that the settlement is complete and the owner will call us this afternoon to hand the keys to us. The vendor is very particular and wanted to spend today cleaning the house for us so it was perfect for our arrival, and who were we to argue with that? Tonight we are planning takeaways and a glass of celebratory wine (not apple juice) on the floor in the house before Crown Removals arrives at 8am tomorrow to deliver and the hard work begins!

In the meantime, I will show you some more things I have found on TradeMe.

I am stopping now, honest!

A lovely sofa bed, it is a great shape, but the covers are a little worn. Fortnuately for me, it comes with some spare cream covers that have never been used. So fingers crossed it will look great with the new covers on. I haven't picked it up yet, as I didn't want to fill the barn here with even more stuff. I will pick up next week. I hope it fits in my car! Benny would like it in his room, I can imagine it with blue and green and white cushions all over it. We'll see.

A beautiful cane table and chairs. Picked them up last week, it all fitted into the car perfectly and is currently taking up space in the barn downstairs with the bookcase and desk. Perfect for ladies Devonshire teas in the garden on hot summer days, ahhh...

So excited! Better go and have my lunch and then start packing the car, woooohoooooo!!!

Est xxx

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Found some Wellies!

One day to go and as you can see I am busy preparing for the move;) It is obviously important to look the part for a new life in the country so I have been doing crucial research.

It's says on the website that they are perfect from everything from shopping to dog walking, but that begs the question...are they too perfect for something as messy as gardening?

And the best thing is that they come with complimentary coordinating twin set and pearls!

Alex, I think I've found my birthday present!!!!

Est xxx

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Doggy Tail

Two days until we get the keys to our house and we can not wait! Benny and Naomi started at their new school (yes, another one, but hopefully that is it for a while now), Ohoka School (the one next door to our new house) on Monday and they seem to have settled in really well up to now. I am so proud of them, and how well they have dealt so well with all the changes recently. Naomi ran out out the first day with a big smile, proclaiming that she had had a 'lovely day' and social butterfly Benny has already been invited on a playdate and is swapping phone numbers!

The mums I have met up to now have all been lovely and friendly and welcoming too, so it has been a good start all round. Eleven new children started on Monday which shows there has certainly been some growth in the Ohoka region recently.

With that in mind, someone really needs to open a cafe/wine bar here soon, I am sure it would be a huge success, it is very cold standing around the school gates chatting. I hope someone else does quickly though, as otherwise Alex is talking about us doing it, and that all sounds like a lot of hard work to me. You know I would much prefer to sit and drink and talk in a cafe rather than having to actually do any work in it (and imagine the food poisoning court cases!). It reminds me of the (very short) time that I worked in a pub, I really didn't like it, dealing with all those drunk people. I definitely know on which side of the bar I belong thank you very much!

Anyway, with two more days to go until the start of a new chapter in our lives, conversations about doggies have been taking place. Even Alex has started mentioning our dog, and where it is going to sleep (NOT in Ben's bed apparently), so the brainwashing techniques have been more successful than I imagined!

I looked on Trade Me, where I seem to be doing all my shopping recently, and found that there is an organization called Dog Watch in Canterbury who are trying to save and re-home the dogs from the pound who otherwise may lose their lives.

So, whilst Naomi is very keen for the pitter patter of a small white fluff ball like this...

Or this...

I have seen Tess, a little labrabor cross puppy who looks just divine.

Or maybe Jake, a greyhound cross, from the SPCA?

Naomi and I went to Animates pet shop a few days ago, just to have a look. Naomi saw a lovely little one, so we were watching it for a while before it had to do it's 'business' on the floor. We then watched, shocked, horrified and open mouthed, as it turned around and proceeded to eat it's own poo!!!

'Awww, we should get that one', said Naomi, her eyes sparkling with a look of delight, 'it is so good, it tidies up it's own poo so we don't have to clean it up!!!'

Est xxx

Thursday, July 12, 2012

It's All about Me

In NZ there is a bit of a craze at the mo, I don't know if it has reached England yet, but I suspect that, like everything here, it was probably all the rage 18 months ago (Coronation Street is having it's 'celebratory' 50th year 'Armageddon, everyone gets killed, well hopefully Norris Cole does anyway' episodes THIS weekend!) but here, the latest thing is to tell the whole world, and certainly everyone who has the pleasure to be travelling behind you on the road at that moment, who is in your family (like, 'thank heavens you told me, I was wondering! I can sleep to tonight now that I know, thankyou!')

Carefully unpeeled and placed in position on the back windscreen under the logo 'My Family', you can chose from an assortment of characters, mums, dads, grandpas, grandmas, girls, boys, babies, dogs, cats, horses and goldfish (500 pics available, $5 each from participating retailers, buy 5 get one free - hey, you deserve it for having that many children) who you share your car and your life with, portrayed in humourous stick figure cartoon illustrative form.

Of course, in response to this we have seen the 'My Zombie Family' stickers and the (slightly angry I thought) anti, 'I don't give a bleep who is in your bleeping family' sticker.

But I have something different. I really don't want to try to interpret too closely what it all means, but recently Alex and Benny and Naomi gave me a little gift.

It's me! I knew you would recognise me! Tell me, it was the shopping bags wasn't it?

So, bless them, I do love 'My Family' so very much, but ultimately they do know, it's all about me:)

Est xxx

P.S. And yes, it is on the side windscreen. Wouldn't want to be like everybody else now would I?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bright and Beautiful for a Rainy Friday

Just found this beautiful room on one of my favourite blogs, VT interiors. Makes me so happy that I have changed my background on the iPad to it, much to the rest of the family's confusion...

Am so inspired, I have found a similar fabric in a lovely shop in Rangiora which has gorgeous European fabrics at very economical prices, my favourite kind of shopping!

It's Friday again, only two more weeks 'til we get the keys to the house. Crown will be delivering the first lot of furniture (yes we have two!) on the Saturday and the second on the Monday. Mum told me yesterday that we can't move on a Saturday, 'nobody moves on a Saturday in Ireland Est', but we will take a few things in on the Friday to start, so as not to to upset any Irish sentiments.

Going to Wellington today for the weekend for a 40th birthday party tomorrow. Getting my hair done specially tomorrow morning, and Alex has just told me it's a wig party!!!!

Est xxx

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Filling the Gap

You remember in Australia when I saw the Yasi Cafe and laughed that I couldn't see anyone in Christchurch opening up a 'Bar 6.3'?


There are lots of new bars and restaurants popping up around the city, around the back of buildings, down alleyways and in shipping containers, it's pretty exciting, and I am making it my mission to try them all out. But I was quite excited to see this new place open in one of the 'gaps' created by the removal of damaged buildings.

It is called Smash Palace, and as you can see, it is basically just a piece of land with rather tongue-in-cheek scaffolding and plastic sheeting for walls all around it. The fairy lights at night send out a red and blue and green hue and the bar is just an old caravan in the middle!

I do really want to go, and apparently it is pretty cool, and, although I hear you do get a granny blanket and a hot water bottle with every alcoholic beverage, I haven't yet been brave enough to sit and endure the sub zero Christchurch evening temperatures. Maybe I should harden up, do the kiwi thing and just put on another jumper.

Maybe I will. Watch this 'space'!

Happy nearly weekend!

Est xxx