Monday, May 7, 2012

Funny weekend

On Friday we had our first Christchurch night out, well, second for me I suppose, as I went out for dinner with some lovely Christchurch girls on Thursday night aswell - nice to hit the Christchurch ground running, that's what I always say. No drinking for me on Thursday though (even though Thursday is officially the beginning of my weekend) as I had to drive all the way back to my 'country home' in Ohoka. I was very good, not even one glass (actually that also was because I had a small one already at a friend's after school, hey, Thursday is the weekend and my arm was definitely very gently twisted;).

Actually, I was very glad I didn't have a drink when at the end of the meal the ladies were asked if they had used a glass for their BYO wine, and if they had, they were charged $5.00 - each! Per glass! Not per bottle! So, the one bottle of wine, probably purchased for $15.00 from the supermarket, and generously shared out between five ladies ended up costing $25.00 in corkage! Needless to say, we won't be going back there in a hurry.

Next time maybe they should just ask for straws.

Anyway, back to the story, Friday was a great night with the KPMG lot. They all started at 5pm and I got there fashionably late at 7pm, after dropping Benny and Naomi off at the lovely Richard and Anna's house for the night (Ben said it wasn't babysitting, it was a sleepover;).

After the night out we crashed at Olive (fellow KPMG'er) and Kevin's house and played pool in their dining room until 2pm. Olive and I were still on the table, unbeaten and undisputed champions, but when Alex said 'I think I have had too many beers', I got the message and we retired to bed.

The next morning we drove in my car to the office to pick Alex's car up. Alex went into the car park and I agreed to follow him back to pick up the children as I still don't know my way in and out of town with all the cordons, piles of rubble and road closures. Five minutes later Alex drove out and I followed him. It must have been about 10 minutes later that I thought to myself, 'That's strange, he's going a very odd way to Rich and Anna's house'. That's when I noticed the licence plate. Oh dear, it wasn't Alex's car at all!!!

Honestly, what were the chances of another silver Audi coming out of the KPMG garage just before Alex???

I, laughing my socks off, was completely and thoroughly lost. Meanwhile Alex was sitting in his car outside work wondering where on earth I had disappeared to!

Hahaha, silly me. Thank heavens for cell phones!

And on Sunday, we drove into the garage to fill up and the BP guy came up to us and said, 'I'm very sorry, we can't help you, we've run out of petrol.'

Reminds me of the time we went into a Chinese restaurant in Wellington and we sat down order and they told us they had run out of rice!

Completely true!

Est xxx

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