Thursday, May 31, 2012

The New Christchurch

A 'Container Mall', I think, the first of it's kind in the world, was opened at Christmastime in a part of the central city which has been reopened. In keeping with good old Kiwi ingenuity there are 27 shops and cafes, all inside custom designed shipping containers! With flowers down the street and buskers providing the music, it has a great vibe and it makes you excited about the future, about what the city will be like when it is rebuilt - innovative, green, community driven and safe.

Toi Toi, at the end there, great gift shop, love it!

The city skyline, dominated, not by skyscrapers, but by cranes.

Johnson's the grocer was somewhat of a Christchurch institution. The proprietor, Colin Johnson, who must be getting on a bit now, worked wearing his traditional 'olde worlde' white grocer's apron, in his shop in town, which was tantalizingly filled to the ceiling with shelves of interesting tins and jars of sweets and goodies. He is where you go to get a taste of England, a biscuit Boost, a Double Decker or a packet of 10p Polos for $2.00;)

It is wonderful to see him and his store alive and kicking again in the Mall. There is room in the new store to display a watercolour of the much loved and remembered original shop which was special to so many.

And, of course, I did my bit for the Christchurch Economy, I know they have been suffering since I left, I got a few little things, including, from Toi Toi,my very own little laser cut Cathedral:)

Est xxx

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