Friday, May 18, 2012

The Gardener's Garden

Thought I would share with you a glimpse of the beautiful life we have been enjoying in Ashburton these last two weeks at The Gardeners Cottage at Coniston.

Pukekos greet us every morning, and evening to and from school, they are pretty fast, this was the least blurred photograph I could get, there is often a great gaggle of geese too.

This little baby bundle of spikes was on the driveway the other day, he is only around 10cm long, I was so glad I didn't squash him. Actually, he was a pretty fast runner too!

Hey ewe!

Highland 'Coos', in the next paddock.

There is a chapel in the garden, where weddings are held.

The lake and the gardens are so relaxing to walk around with all the autumnal colours at this time of year.

There is a swing on the tree and toys and books in the house, and even bikes in the shed!

Naomi and Benny work diligently, transferring the wood from the woodshed to the house, using the trusty trike. Forget TVs and Ipods, for the last two weeks the main fascination is chopping the wood and making the fires. I am so glad they are loving it - it has to be done, otherwise there is no hot water for our showers!

And, look at the harvest from our garden - the walnuts are everywhere!

The cows and the snowy mountains, what a wonderful vista, a very special place.

Est xxx

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