Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fancy a Moonlit Bathe?

Sorry I have been offline for a few days, we have been moving, again! This time, to a place called Tuahiwi (good luck with that name all you non kiwis!) 30 mins north of Christchurch again, not too far from the first place in Ohoka. I cannot tell you what a relief it is to leave the house to get to school at 8am, rather than 7am. Today I am also actually back at 'home' today. When I was in Ashvegas I stayed in Christchurch all day as it was too far to go home. My car was my office, and I was eating there, reading my books, checking e-mails, and even doing my cross stitch to while away the hours! Actually, I did do a bit of parent help last week, as well as going on a school trip and going swimming with school too (the teachers didn't know what had come over me!) and Naomi loved me for that, so it wasn't all bad.

Now we are on a lifestyle block/hobby farm, along with sheep, cows, pigs, chickens and even an outdoor bathroom (but luckily there is an indoor one aswell)!

There is also a trampoline, swings, slide, 'pirate ship', tree house and three other children to play with, so Benny is in heaven.

There is the sign on the loo. I saw it before Benny and Naomi and thought, 'oh dear, how am I going to explain this one?'

I had my answer all planned out ('I don't know what they are Benny', with feigned confusion on my face - very cunning eh?) for when he came out of the toilet. He came out and said with a cheeky smile, 'Mum, I like that toilet, it says, "Please do not flush!"'

Good thing he is a typical eight year old boy!

Est xxx

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