Saturday, May 26, 2012

That Friday Feeling!

We are off to Wellington today for the Onslow Kindergarten Kitchen Tour 2012 on Sunday. After being involved in the organising of the 2008 and 2010 Kitchen Tours, it will be great fun to go and enjoy the tour this year, no stress and happy and relaxed in the knowledge that I have left my kitchen as a complete bomb site;)

I treated myself to a new suitcase for this occasion, and because we are going again in July, and, hey, a girl has to have a gorgeous bag for those unexpected romantic weekends away, hey Alex?!!?!

Here is my bag before I packed.

And here it is, after I packed!

Benny said to me this morning, 'Mum, you can't wear high heels on the plane today', 'Why?' I asked. 'Because you might damage the evacuation slide'.

I am not planning to use that particular exit Benny!!!

Another great quote from Benny, right up there with the story of 4 years ago when we went on a flight to Sydney, he sat down, put his seat belt on, took his tray table down, put his headphones on, and said, 'Are we stopping in Hong Kong?'.

Just taxiing now, better stop typing. After a magnitude 5.2 quake this afternoon, which I didn't feel as we were outside (I did wonder why the car was bouncing though) I am pleased that the turbulence will cease after we take off;)

Happy Friday to you all, I hope you have a great weekend!

Est xxx

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