Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Last night, I tried to explain to Benny that on Mother's Day, the whole idea is that you DON'T wake your mum up in the morning. 'But I want to give you your presents' he said. Oh Benny, thank you, but honestly, I can wait until a bit later to get them. I told him to wake me up at around 10am.

So, this morning, I had two little monkeys on the bed at 7.15am giving me parcels and cards. He had woken Naomi up early especially too. Poor Naomi, she has just had her first two weeks at school, and she needs her sleep at the best of times (she takes after her mum)!

So, I was up and showered, dressed and eating home made pancakes (thank you darling husband) with bacon, banana and maple syrup by 9am - not a bad effort Benny, well done;)

I was very spoiled with 'The Hunger Games' book, the next of a TV series which Alex and I have been watching (which I cannot reveal the title of as it is our secret guilty pleasure) a chocolate heart from my angel baby and some matches from Benny, which isn't as strange a present as it seems, they a special matches for lighting the fire, with pictures of San Francisco and Paris on the boxes - for the fire in our new house.

I know I haven't even mentioned the house on the blog yet, but I am sure you all know about it already, as I haven't stopped talking about it ever since I first saw it on the Open2view. It is the one I went to see last week in Ohoka, and it is perfect, and we have bought it, conditional on building report etc, but hopefully it will be completely ours and we will be moving in late July/early August!!!

But in the meantime, I wish you all a late evening Happy Mother's Day, as, as we all know, the best part of a Mum's day is the end of it, when all our little angels are fast asleep and cosy in bed and we can sit down, put our feet up and have a relaxing glass of wine;)

Est xxx

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