Saturday, December 31, 2011

Grandad who?

The other day we were following Alex's Mum and Dad along a bit of a windy road. Naomi and Benny shouted, 'overtake Grandad, overtake Grandad'. Alex said 'No, I can't just overtake willy nilly.'

'Who's willy nilly???' the kids laughed.

...Grandad's got a new name!

Est xxx

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Lights

We have really enjoyed seeing the Christmas lights this season, for those English readers, it is still light in NZ until around 9.30pm over Christmas/Summertime so Christmas lights don't really have the same affect. See, there are some nice things about the dark and cold of a British wintertime. Alex's Mum and Dad decorated their house in time for our arrival back to the UK. It is lovely isn't it? I especially like the reindeer on the lawn. Billy and Alex and Alex's brother Michael all think it looks like a camel. But it isn't, I insisted, it is a lovely reindeer.

But, then I looked at it again, and it is a bit like one of those optical illusion thingies, you know, like, is it a vase or two faces? Maybe it is a Christmas camel after all...

So, camel or reindeer? You decide.

Est xxx

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Inspirations


Est xxx

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas to you all, both in England where we are just going to sleep and New Zealand where Father Christmas has already visited.  Love especially to our friends in Christchurch who have been going through yet another massive sequence of earthquakes since Friday.  I hope and pray that it will all calm down very soon and Christmas will be relatively peaceful and full of joy with your loved ones.  We are thinking of you so much.

Est xxx

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas shopping

Alex and I and Marie and Billy went out shopping for the day last Sunday, and it started to snow.  How beautiful, you may think, how romantic, a white Christmas.  You may even have images in your head, not disimilar to the lovely photograph below...awwww.

But this, my dear friends is the grim reality, walking around the market with your feet freezing to the insides of your shoes, using all your focus and concentration just trying to stop yourself from slipping over and injuring your derriere, wondering why exactly you even considered venturing out of your warm cosy house in the first place.  But the main thing is we did have a laugh - especially when Alex fell over!!!

Est xxx


And yes, in case you were wondering, we did use the Otara Handbag!

Est xxx

Ciao and Arrivederci

We have loved our time in Italy, with our highlights were Venice, and Florence and Rome (oops, that's actually all of the big cities we went to!)  and lovely little San 'Gimigargo' of course.

Seeing Michelangelo's David was a real treat for me (as you already know), as well as finally visiting the Vatican City and seeing the Sistine Chapel ceilings and St Peter's Basilica, and just generally being in Rome among so much history, it is so hard to believe that those buildings have been there for so long, and have not just been created recently to have a good old laugh at the silly tourists taking photos (.....?); and of course, being able to seriously say 'Ciao' at regular intervals was pretty fun too;)

And, I have to talk about the food!  Pizza, pasta, gelato, what more could you ask for?  Alex 'loved' the food and Benny actually ate margherita pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner one day!  But we did do a lot of supermarket shopping too.  One of my funniest and my (second) most embarrassing moment happened in an supermarket where none of the people spoke English.   I asked the assistant where the eggs where, but of course she didn't understand what I was saying as she did not speak English - keep up;).  Now, have you ever tried to explain 'egg', in a game of charades in the middle of a supermarket?  Try it.  It is not as easy as you might think.  Firstly I made an egg shape with my fingers and counted out six in an egg packet shape in a box from my trolley.  Yes, I thought, I am so clever, she will understand me easily.  No, she did not understand.  Then, I pointed to the chicken breasts I had in my trolley and made the egg shape again.  Yes, she will definitely know now, absolutely.  NO.  So...can you believe it?   I squatted down and laid an egg, in the biscuit and crisp aisle of an Italian supermarket.  'Ahhhhhh' she said, with a laugh and a smile (I do believe that ahhhh must be a word that transcends all languages) and she walked me to the eggs, and I laughed and smiled and said ahhh too, and it was all good.

Dear me, why didn't we all just adopt Esperanto when we had a chance?  I don't know.

But the omelette was very nice, and they do say you can't make one without breaking a few eggs:)

So, ciao and arrivederci and grazie to you Italia, it has been the most wonderful experience.

Est xxx

PS.  Of course I am not going to tell you about the most embarrassing moment!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pantheon

We are now back in England, landed last Thursday in fact - nearly a week in the old country once again. But I can't tell you about that yet, there is a bit more Italian news to get through!

We spent our last day in Rome just wandering around. We visited Piazza Navona where there was a Christmas Market (Alex made me put back the two Christmas decorations I picked up, he thought the four I had already bought was enough - the words 'bah humbug' come to mind)

then on to the visit The Pantheon. I has never even heard of The Pantheon before but it was such an incredible building, and it was definately my favourite place in Rome.

Picture the scene, it is a sunny and still day December day in beautiful and historic Roma, there is gentle music playing in the square, you sit down to a perfect brushetta, pizza and glass of house white winio*(10€ meal deal) with the ones you love....

*Naomi's fantastico italiano accentio involves adding a heavily accented 'o' to every word, it is terribly funnio;)

I said at the table, 'I love it here, and the best thing, is that there are no hawkers here', Benny said 'what are hawkers?', and I said, 'you know, umbrella sellers', and he said, 'yes there are, they are all just behind you', and there they had been, all along!!! Very funny - you can run, but you can't hide;)

We met a nice Aussie guy called Josh who we asked to take this photo for us, he ended up taking about 5 photos, zooming and moving around like a professional, he even went down on his knees, a very dedicated tourist photographer indeed. We asked him where he was travelling, he said, I've been to England, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, France, Croatia...and now Italy'. 'Wow' we said, 'how long have you been travelling for?'

'...Seven days' said Josh.

Good old Contiki tours!

Est xxx

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Roman Christmas


Est xxx

There's no place like Rome

Here is our Roman abode, our authentic Italiano retreat, complete with local downstairs trattoria, and walkable to everything, including beautiful wine boutiques and local bakeries and of course the ever important florist - I think our Italian cousins must give a lot more flowers than we do, maybe it's because of their passionate spirit, they are forever 'saying it with flowers' apologising for their spontaneous firey outbursts....(?)

Loved opening and closing the shutters every morning and night, it made me feel like I was really part of the city. Rome reminded me of New York, of course, I have never actually been the Big Apple but it felt like I imagine New York would feel - noisy, busy and happening, a city that never sleeps, or rarely dozes anyway;)

Est xxx

PS. Spot the super slick Vespa owned by one of our fabulous fashionable neighbours - I did actually see a guy down our street taking his Christmas tree home between his legs on his vespa, so gutted I didn't get a photo of that one!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Colosseum

Yes, it is THE Colosseum. So, let's just cut to the chase - it is old, very, very old (ok, I have already forgotten how old but let's just say that even Alex is beginning to feel young again;). And isn't it made even prettier with a Christmas tree in front of it?

What a wonderful time of year to travel!


As you can see, we are hooked!

Est xxx

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rome is ruined!!!

A wander around the Roman Forum. It is incredible, to see what remains from so long ago, and they are still excavating!

It was Benny's idea of course, to throw himself down the stairs - a lady walking next to us liked it so much she snapped a photo of him too!!!

I must admit, we did get a little lost in the Roman Forum and the Palentino Hill (which is where the whose-who of the Roman Empire built their posh palaces - in fact, the word 'palace' actually derives from the Palentino Hill in Rome - bit of interesting information for you) it felt like we were wandering around for about three days, but it was probably about three hours. We were so happy when we found our way out, back to the modern day with toilets and running water and cheap tacky souvenir stalls (we got you all presents!) and even the Umbrella Sellers, phew!

Est xxx

Umbrella Sellers

When visiting the main cities and attractions in Italy, one may come across a particular species of gentlemen, let us from this moment refer to him as the 'Umbrella Seller'.

The Umbrella Seller (US for short) may diversify and sell other things aswell as umbrellas, but it is a prerequisite of the job that they must all have a secret stash of umbrellas up their sleeves, or down their trousers, or something, readily available for when the clouds start to look ominous.

Other products available from the Umbrella Seller are, 'Prada' Handbags, genuine Italian silk scarves (only 2€ each!), mini camera tripods, glass cubes featuring the city of your choice, and strange squishy pigs which you throw to the ground so they go splat...(...?).

The US must be very fit, they must always carry their wares so as to best meet their potential customers, no matter how far away they may be. They are often heard muttering, '2 Euro, 1 Euro' under their breath. If the US sets up a stall on the ground, he must place the wares carefully on a sheet, which can be picked up and slung over the shoulder for urgent removal, should the need dictate.

The US must be vigilant at all times. The main predator of the US, is a species commonly referred to as the Policia Municipale. If at any time, the US spots a 'PM' or a PM vehicle in the nearby vicinity, he must quickly pack up his Prada handbags, warn the rest of his US family and scarper, through pedestrians and traffic as fast as his legs will carry him, peering over his shoulder at regular intervals until the potential danger has passed.

One must take extreme care when making eye, or even pavement contact, with the US, and be wary of exchanging your hard earned dollars with his cheap imitation umbrellas. It may be sorely tempting, when you are wet and your legs are turning blue under your jeans, but you must resist....or the PM may well be after you too!

This is a public news announcement brought to you by your dedicated skinnersontour journalist - on the ground, as it happens - Esther Skinner. Thank you, and goodnight.

Est xxx

Trevi Fountain fun

You have to throw a coin into the fountain backwards over your right shoulder and make a wish and every day the Red Cross benefit from the hundreds and thousands of coins thrown in.

Naomi chief photographer again. You wouldn't believe there were 16 thousand Japanese tourists all around us when we took these photos would you?

Est xxx