Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Afternoon in Bologna

Next stop, Bologna, the home of Bolognese sauce - so Alex made sure he sampled some at Roberto bar in the centre of town. We made friends with the lovely proprietor and her son, Roberto Ferrari (no relation) who told us of the Italian economy and acquainted us with the coffee drinking habits of Italian people. We regaled her with tales of earthquakes and New Zealand cappuccinos.

We had a long lunch there with pizza, pasta, wine, coffee and dessert, and meanwhile, about twenty different people came in, stood at the bar, drank their coffee down in one, and promptly left.

And that is what you do. You walk in, stand at the bar and order your very small, very strong, no milk, coffee (don't sit down as this will probably cost extra), down it, and leave. No socialising, it is purely a caffeine absorption exercise to be completed apparently up to two or three times a day!

Here is another bar around the corner, they are all full - it is like the English with their beer;) So, that was a bit of an insight. It was nice to talk to real Italian people, rather than just Gondola drivers and the like;)

We also rummaged around in a flea market, didn't buy anything, honestly, our campervan is starting to get rather full with all my shopping, I don't know how we are going to pack it all back into the three cases we have. Best not think about that at the moment.

One good thing is at least we don't have to pack our 'I Love Paris' umbrellas, as, I am sad to inform you that they have both recently passed away. We buried them in a private ceremony in a small but clean refuse facility and they have gone to umbrella heaven in the sky, where I am sure it rains every day, so they will be happy. I hope they died knowing that they had a short, but useful life, and in fact, gave great pleasure to so many.

Anyway, moving on to less sombre news, I found two beautiful window displays in Bologna, which I have to share with you. Love the wallpaper, which in this technological age, could provide a solution to the problem of having too few books in the house...

And Benny liked this sticker that somebody had stuck on the road sign - very clever!

Est xxx

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