Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pantheon

We are now back in England, landed last Thursday in fact - nearly a week in the old country once again. But I can't tell you about that yet, there is a bit more Italian news to get through!

We spent our last day in Rome just wandering around. We visited Piazza Navona where there was a Christmas Market (Alex made me put back the two Christmas decorations I picked up, he thought the four I had already bought was enough - the words 'bah humbug' come to mind)

then on to the visit The Pantheon. I has never even heard of The Pantheon before but it was such an incredible building, and it was definately my favourite place in Rome.

Picture the scene, it is a sunny and still day December day in beautiful and historic Roma, there is gentle music playing in the square, you sit down to a perfect brushetta, pizza and glass of house white winio*(10€ meal deal) with the ones you love....

*Naomi's fantastico italiano accentio involves adding a heavily accented 'o' to every word, it is terribly funnio;)

I said at the table, 'I love it here, and the best thing, is that there are no hawkers here', Benny said 'what are hawkers?', and I said, 'you know, umbrella sellers', and he said, 'yes there are, they are all just behind you', and there they had been, all along!!! Very funny - you can run, but you can't hide;)

We met a nice Aussie guy called Josh who we asked to take this photo for us, he ended up taking about 5 photos, zooming and moving around like a professional, he even went down on his knees, a very dedicated tourist photographer indeed. We asked him where he was travelling, he said, I've been to England, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, France, Croatia...and now Italy'. 'Wow' we said, 'how long have you been travelling for?'

'...Seven days' said Josh.

Good old Contiki tours!

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a wonderful end to your european adventures! Fabulous!
