Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ciao and Arrivederci

We have loved our time in Italy, with our highlights were Venice, and Florence and Rome (oops, that's actually all of the big cities we went to!)  and lovely little San 'Gimigargo' of course.

Seeing Michelangelo's David was a real treat for me (as you already know), as well as finally visiting the Vatican City and seeing the Sistine Chapel ceilings and St Peter's Basilica, and just generally being in Rome among so much history, it is so hard to believe that those buildings have been there for so long, and have not just been created recently to have a good old laugh at the silly tourists taking photos (.....?); and of course, being able to seriously say 'Ciao' at regular intervals was pretty fun too;)

And, I have to talk about the food!  Pizza, pasta, gelato, what more could you ask for?  Alex 'loved' the food and Benny actually ate margherita pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner one day!  But we did do a lot of supermarket shopping too.  One of my funniest and my (second) most embarrassing moment happened in an supermarket where none of the people spoke English.   I asked the assistant where the eggs where, but of course she didn't understand what I was saying as she did not speak English - keep up;).  Now, have you ever tried to explain 'egg', in a game of charades in the middle of a supermarket?  Try it.  It is not as easy as you might think.  Firstly I made an egg shape with my fingers and counted out six in an egg packet shape in a box from my trolley.  Yes, I thought, I am so clever, she will understand me easily.  No, she did not understand.  Then, I pointed to the chicken breasts I had in my trolley and made the egg shape again.  Yes, she will definitely know now, absolutely.  NO.  So...can you believe it?   I squatted down and laid an egg, in the biscuit and crisp aisle of an Italian supermarket.  'Ahhhhhh' she said, with a laugh and a smile (I do believe that ahhhh must be a word that transcends all languages) and she walked me to the eggs, and I laughed and smiled and said ahhh too, and it was all good.

Dear me, why didn't we all just adopt Esperanto when we had a chance?  I don't know.

But the omelette was very nice, and they do say you can't make one without breaking a few eggs:)

So, ciao and arrivederci and grazie to you Italia, it has been the most wonderful experience.

Est xxx

PS.  Of course I am not going to tell you about the most embarrassing moment!

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