Friday, December 2, 2011


We strolled around the book markets and the flowers markets.

I bought 12 lamps, which is a bit of a record, even for me, but it's ok, it was a nice old picture of twelve old lamps, more acceptable to Alex and easier to carry home than the many other lamps I have purchased around the world;)

And another stroll along the 'om prom prom' Promenade Anglais, where we finally felt that we were on the French Riveria - apart from we were fully dressed, unlike some of the more, shall we say, mature, 'sun kissed' inhabitants of Nice taking in the rays that day.

We found a new meaning to the phrase, 'I'm double parked'...!!!

We enjoyed the atmosphere of the square, where there was a band playing, (on wheels!) in a four days of free classical music event around the city.

And check out the beautiful architecture of the buildings - no, look a bit closer, the window and shutters are the only part that is real, the rest is all painted on, around the whole square - incredible!

And we enjoyed the early evening Christmas lights.

And I enjoyed the beautiful shops, just from afar...

Nice - sophisticated, cosmopolitan, buzzing - nice!

Est xxx

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