Sunday, December 4, 2011

Venice 101

We put the pedal to the floor and drove our longest drive, 5/6 hours from Nice to Venice in one day. Wow, it was all worth it. We had a view of Venice (aka Venetia to the locals, funny that we call it something different isn't it really?) from our campsite. We just jumped on the ferry and sailed across.

Here is a little boy was bumped into (well, we didn't actually bump into him, just spotted him along the waterfront, with his security guard - not kidding), he has just caught a frog!

Then a quick church stop. This one happened to be circular, which is a bit different - loved the floor.

Then, of course, we cruised down the Grand Canal in our gondola (I knew you were waiting for it) - you know it had to be done.

Then we spent the afternoon getting lost in Venice. We bumped into a couple from America at a pizza, well, I can only call it a 'window', down a small alleyway drinking beer at 11.45am, and they said that their guidebook said, they had to just get lost in Venice, so that's what they were doing - perfect!

One thing that did surprise me about Venice, was the amount of actual land there was! It is not a small place. There are so many little bridges and twists and turns, getting lost is very easy to do. It's pretty safe though, at least you don't have to worry about getting knocked over!

More Venetian delights tomorrow.

Est xxx

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