Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Lights

We have really enjoyed seeing the Christmas lights this season, for those English readers, it is still light in NZ until around 9.30pm over Christmas/Summertime so Christmas lights don't really have the same affect. See, there are some nice things about the dark and cold of a British wintertime. Alex's Mum and Dad decorated their house in time for our arrival back to the UK. It is lovely isn't it? I especially like the reindeer on the lawn. Billy and Alex and Alex's brother Michael all think it looks like a camel. But it isn't, I insisted, it is a lovely reindeer.

But, then I looked at it again, and it is a bit like one of those optical illusion thingies, you know, like, is it a vase or two faces? Maybe it is a Christmas camel after all...

So, camel or reindeer? You decide.

Est xxx

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