Monday, December 5, 2011

Venice 202

The next day we found the Bridge of Sighs (so named as it was the last bridge that the prisoners crossed before they trudged off to jail on the other side, but I think people now think of it as a more romantic kind of sigh;) but I'm sure it was there all along. Legend has it that lovers will be granted everlasting love and bliss if they kiss on a gondola at sunset under the bridge (oops, but I only just read that on Wikipedia now!).

Then a boat trip over to Murano Island to see the Master glass blowers at work. Apparently it takes 15-20 years to become a Master and the skill is still only taught in the workshops on the island, as an apprenticeship. Of course, we did the touristy thing and acquired a beautiful Venetian glass vase for our shelves at home (?). May have to keep it on the down low, if you know what I mean, with plenty of blue tac...

The Basilicia of St Mark, which was amazing inside, with incredible gold mosaics covering the ceiling. We weren't supposed to take photos of the inside but hey, everybody else was doing it! The floors were the unbelievable part though, completely warped and hilly, you can really see that Venice is sinking from that floor!

Walking home..
Ben: Mum, what are stars made out of?
Naomi: Water, wood, roll.

Phew, thanks Naomi!

Est xxx

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