Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Big 37

Important day in history yesterday. On 19 September 1974, Esther Siobhan Edwards was born into this world.

Ben and Naomi woke me up to a lovely rendition of 'Happy Birthday to you, you did a big poo', followed by pink hamster and musical monkey birthday cards. They then reached under the bed and gave me a hairbrush, conditioner, ring and necklace. I said, 'thank you my angels, I love them.' And I really did love them! ...I put them back on my dressing table;)

Had a very busy day, went out for lunch with the siblings then off to see Mum in hospital and then out with Jen and her boys for tea.

Mum gave me some chocolate, a lottery ticket and a kiss for my birthday (she didn't have much choice in the hospital shop and I didn't need disposable knickers). But, the draw is tomorrow, so you never know, it may be a pretty good present!!

And Collette gave me this lovely new bag. I said 'thanks Collette, it is lovely', and she said 'they do yellow and purple handbags in that colour aswell.'

Classic Collette, you are definitely not adopted;)

Thanks everyone for the e-mails and FB's and blog comments, it is wonderful to hear from you!

Est xxx

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