Sunday, September 11, 2011


Jenny (lovely oldest friend, Ben's godmother and also previously starred in 'disappointment' blog) and I had a bit of a girls day today, went for a lovely long lunch (1pm 'til 5pm is a bit of a record, even the waiter commented!) and then had a 'bimble' around the shops (I say tootle, you say bimble, let's call the whole thing off;).

Tried on a lovely outfit in Next. I felt so happy and gay and Parisienne when I came out if the fitting room that I asked Jen to take my picture for the blog.

Think Jen thinks I am a little mad.

I asked the lady in the shop what she thought and she said, 'I'm not sure, I like the shoes though'. I said to her 'haha, the shoes are already mine, (refer previous New Shoes blog) and I think it all looks great so I will take it!'

So I bought the lot!!!

How exciting!!

We are going to my brother Adam's and Debbie's house tomorrow for her birthday celebration and I think I will wear it all together. He will just laugh at me. Haha.

Est xxx

Bugger, sorry no photo. Came out sideways and hit a wall trying to fix it. Why can't I install Adobe flash player on the IPad? Apple people, I am not happy.

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