Monday, September 19, 2011

I guess it's good exercise!

The remote control for Mum's DVD player has gone. I don't know where and I don't know when, but it is definitely no longer here.

Honestly, you do not realise just how disabilitating this is! It means that I have to watch everything with subtitles. Can't turn the damn things off! And, at the moment I am watching a cool BBC series that Jenny has given me about a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf living in the same house (I know!!!) called 'Being Human' and I cannot choose an episode, I can only press 'play all'.

So, that means I have to watch three hours together in one night, or watch one hour and then watch the same hour again the next night to get to the second hour!

The other night sat and watched two and a half hours again to get to the third episode I couldn't keep my eyes open for the night before!

Is this inconvenience worth it you ask? Or, should I just go to Asda and buy another DVD player for (probably) £29.95?

Sometimes life is just one long series of confusing questions.

Est xxx


  1. Well here I was thinking about you and wondering why I hadn't been getting any newsy emails about your travels. I then decided that you were far too busy and exciting to have shared any adventures with your New Zealand friends. Then I came across your email with this blog site. I am soooo sorry for two things. One, my life has been so dull without your blog up to now. Two, your life has been so dull without my witty comments on your blog. So that will change from today! Happy birthday baby!! So I have read up on all your adventures. Hope your Mum is well and the tests came back with positive news. Naomi and Benjamin look so cute and like they are having a great time. LOVE Naomi's hair cut. Life in New Zealand is good. Wellington is warming up slightly. My girls are good. My fundraising stuff for the Kindergarten has blown-up with political drama which is a shame... Need to fill you in over wine sometime. Rob is good and working hard. So glad to be back in touch with your life. New Zealand is certainly not the same without you. I can't believe you are missing all the excitement of the world cup!! Even I'm slightly excited. Miss you so much, hope you had a fabulous birthday. Love you heaps and go out and buy the new DVD player. Only then will the missing remote will turn up. Melxxxx

  2. Oh yeah, I am wondering if people are as dumb as me and have forgotten about your blog. Perhaps a resend of the info...

  3. Hi chick, I have finally worked out how to log on etc so I can add a comment, I have sent you an email today for your birthday, here's hoping you got it. I loved that show when it was on. Have a fab day and keep up this blog cos I look most nights on the old pad in bed (my time) and I love your updates and man love that bag!!!!!
    Margaret-Jayne xx
