Monday, September 12, 2011

Edwards Family

Here's Jo, baby of the family and completely spoiled, even now!

Here's Collette, poor middle child, we did tell her she was adopted when she was little (sorry Collette!)

Here's Adam (number one and favourite son) and his lovely better half, Debbie. Adam didn't like his name when he was younger, he always said he wanted to be called Winston, or Wolfgang, or Desmond (absolutely true story!).

And lovely Esther, oldest and wisest and bossiest big sister.

And here are the five cousins, little Jessie first, Jo and Mike's daughter, Benny and Naomi of course and Collette's girls Ellie and Ciara. They are all having so much fun together this holiday, it is fab!

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Est - love all the photos of your family! Especially you're cute nieces!
