Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Quaint Olde England

Yesterday on my big six hour car journey (I am still recovering, Alex, hurry up and come over and join us so I can get in the passenger seat again!) we passed by a little village named 'Spital in the Street'. We have passed through this place so many times on the road between Hull and Norwich and I have always been somewhat amused by the name, and always felt a little bit embarrassed for the people of Spital in the Street having to tell people that they live in Spital in the Street. Just imagine it.

Anyway, yesterday I stopped and took a photo, so you too can join me in my amusement.

Tonight I just googled it. And there is was, the 'Spital' is short for Hospital.

It's not really as funny as I thought it was now:(

Est xxx

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