Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Rather Unique Art Exhibition

Today we went out for the day with Mum and my sister Jo. We went out for lunch and a bit of a tootle round the shops in Beverley.

Beverley is a small (up)market town just outside Hull and it's where the posh people lived when we were young. I think they are still a bit posher than Hull now actually, so good charity shops!!!

Jo pointed out this painting to me, it was a bit of a surprise to see it on the outside of the building, so I had to snap it and share it with you.

Here is the info about the exhibition, I googled it when I got home.

'Discover the paintings of Fred & Mary Elwell as you walk through the centre of Beverley.

Born in Beverley in 1870, the painter Fred Elwell trained at the Lincoln School of Art and the academies in Antwerp and Paris before returning to live back in Beverley.

On his death in 1958, Fred bequeathed a large collection of his paintings, together with a selection by his wife, to Beverley Art Gallery. With the support of Beverley Civic Society, the Elwell collection has been liberated from the confines of the gallery walls. High quality replica paintings can now been seen throughout the town, enabling a wider audience to enjoy the Elwell paintings in settings that proved so inspirational to the artists. '

Cool eh?

Est xxx

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