Friday, September 9, 2011

Glasgow Science Centre

After we left Edinburgh we headed to Glasgow to see our old friends Jennifer and Andrew and their beautiful new baby Heidi. Jenny and Andrew were very kind putting us all up for the night, especially as I only called them that morning to tell them that we were in Scotland!!! Not very organized, I know. Thanks guys!!

We spent the evening catching up on old times (Jenny and Andrew were in Wellington on a KPMG secondment a few moons ago) exchanging news on all the KPMG'ers and drinking lovely NZ Sauvignon Blanc (all the way from the Tesco's around the corner;). I will have you know that I am still supporting the NZ Vintners Association from the UK, even though it is the most expensive wine on the shelves!!!.

The next morning Jenny and Heidi and all of us went to the Glasgow Science Centre. It was fab. Hands on, interactive fun at it's best. We spent five hours there and didn't do half of it.

I didn't feel too bad that Naomi and Benny had not done any school work in Scotland at all, as I am sure they learned heaps that day.

Thanks Andrew and Jen and Heidi, it was lovely.

Est xxx

PS, Did you know that if we decided to dig our way home and jump down the hole to NZ rather than fly, it would take us 42 mins at a speed of 17800mph?

See, I learned something too!!!

(Obviously, you would go faster the first half of the journey, as gravity would be on your side, the second half would be a bit slower.)

I am so clever.

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