Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Lighthouse

Today I supported the Withernsea Tourist industry and paid my £2.50 to have a walk up (and down) the 144 steps of Withernsea Lighthouse. Benjamin and Naomi opted to collect stones on the beach with my Mum instead, traitors.

The lighthouse is a little unique for a lighthouse in the fact that it stands a quarter of a mile inland! When it was built in 1894, as a result of a number of shipwrecks in the area, it was built on the closest solid ground to the coast. A promenade and houses have since been built around it.

The light could be seen from as far as 17 miles away at sea, and I assume the people in the houses around it could see it quite well too!

The lighthouse shone it's last beam over the North Sea on 1st July 1976, after 82 years of service.

Great views from the top!

Est xxx

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