Wednesday, September 7, 2011

By Royal Appointment

We decided to stay a couple of extra days in Scotland. It was a close call as mum thought she had run out of one of her tablets but she found some extras at the bottom of the bag so crisis was averted. Next time we really should bring a trailer for the drugs, or our own personal pharmacist for easy medication.

Yesterday we had a day in Edinburgh and popped in to the Queen's official Scottish residence, Holyrood Palace. Unfortunately Liz wasn't home but the kind people on the gates said we were still welcome to have a look around in return for a relatively large donation.

We got to see 16 magnificent rooms and I was in heaven. Even the children tolerated it. They got their own audio guide and they looked at me wide eyed whilst they were listening, saying things like '250 years old!!!' (Naomi) and 'stabbed 46 times!!!' (!?!)(Ben)

Loved it. Loved the grandeur, loved the splendour, the pomp, the ceremony, the history, the symmetry, loved it, and loved Edinburgh full stop (even though it cost me £4.15 for a rather disappointing sandwich - I don't think HRH would have approved, I took it back for a refund).

Highly recommended.

Est xxx

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