Friday, April 6, 2012

Fish Fingers

We got talking with the man who kindly took our photo at the rocks who told us to go to the Big Banana and the Pet Porpoise Pool whilst we were in Coffs Harbour, so the next morning, we proceeded to the Big Banana and the Pet Porpoise Pool in Coffs Harbour - there's nothing like being easily led is there really?

The Big Banana is a banana, orchard (?), with lots of added attractions, like the water slide park...

(let's do that again!)

..and a tobbagan down the hill, like in Cool Runnings. Benny and I were so slow that apparently we were causing a traffic jam, people (mainly Alex and Naomi:) were banging into us from behind.

There were some bananas too. You can't see the bananas though, as the are covered with bags to keep them safe, and to stop them from getting sunburnt. Honest!

Then onto the Pet Porpoise Pool (there aren't any porpoises:) to be 'Touched my Magic' - that is, enjoy an interactive display with seals and dolphins, and receive some rather wet and sloppy kisses, it really was magic!

Ben was lucky enough to be picked out of the crowd to play ball with the seal. We also fed him some fish (the seal, not Benny). The staff made sure we cleaned our hands with hand sanitiser beforehand, but didn't offer it to us afterwards, so our hands were pretty stinky for a while!

I'm not sure he really enjoyed the kiss though, I think it was a bit of a surprise.

We all had the opportunity to stroke the dolphins underbelly, it was so soft, like velvet.

And also have a kiss!

You could even purchase some genuine seal artwork there if you wanted to, that certainly would be a conversation piece!

What a cute family photo!

Est xxx

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