Friday, April 13, 2012

Eumundi Markets

The next morning we were on the road at 7.45am - it's amazing what time I can get up when there are interesting markets to walk around;) I do love a good market, the bargains, the haggling, the buzz, the excitement, the never knowing what you might find, and the wondering afterwards what on earth you have bought, it all reminds me of the good old days when my Dad and I used to get up early on a Sunday and drive to Withernsea to sell our wares, jewellery, or sweets, or Christmas cards, and I used to man the stall whilst Dad went on mysteriously long lunch breaks...ah, those were the days!

The market was massive, they hold it every Wednesday and Saturday and it would seem that the town actually IS the market, it has been going since 1979, and in that time they seem to have got pretty darn good at it. It was so huge that I kept having to control my anxiety that I may have missed something interesting and cheap on the other side!

We chatted to the man selling Aboriginal artwork, and we purchased a lovely painting of the Glass House Mountains from him. He told us of the rock legends and how the volcanic plugs (which is what they are) move with the earth's crust and pop up in different places.

When we asked if we could take a photo he said 'the Aboriginal people say that to take a photo is to take away some of our spirit - but I have lots of spirit, so yes, you can'.

He also played the didgeridoo for the photo, but afterwards he said, 'I probably didn't really need to actually play it for the photo did I?'

We are such tourists;)

Then we met Miss Donna, a lovely balloon artist who had just returned home from the States where she had attended a Balloon Conference and had blown up a whole city of Smurfs.

OMG...and she looked so nice!!!

I loved this stall, where I bought a lovely bracelet and had to snap the shabby chic chandelier.

We have never seen this before, a mobile ATM machine. Alex thinks I need one attached to the back of the campervan;)

We enjoyed the music, from a band from Eumundi, and Alex bought their CD. One of the songs is called 'Slow Down' and features the line from the signs in the main road 'we love our children, we love our town, slow down' - very cool!

Naomi and Benny enjoyed the ups and downs too!

Oh, and I had a little tattoo...

...but it all came out in the wash;)

Est xxx

P.S. Finally remembered how to change the blog background, been trying to put a campervan on there for weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I told Rich you got a tattoo...and he said 'REALLY! A real tattoo?!'! Classic!
