Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ging Gang Goolie

After the markets we headed for Noosa to get a spot for the night. We arrived, it was Easter Saturday afternoon and of course the place was an absolute zoo. I think every vacationing Australian and his dog (not to mention his cat and pet goldfish) must have decided to go to Noosa this year.

We enquired at one campsite, and they were polite enough not to actually laugh out loud, but I could hear them snorting and howling on the inside when I asked for a powered site for the night. Ha ha, didn't I realise that it was Easter Saturday, and Easter school holidays and people had booked their two week camping spots in Noosa three years ago? I sloped quietly and apologetically out of the office.

But after a couple of calls we had found a spot in a Scout Camp (!) about 20 minutes inland. We drove there, twisting and turning down unsealed roads - I think we even fell off the map for a few minutes - hoping for the best.

When we arrived, we were very pleasantly surprised. The campsite was lovely, next to a lake and not too busy, and we were lucky enough to get the space right next to a camp fire, so Ben 'firestarter' Skinner was very happy!

Within minutes he was collecting sticks and we had met Alan next door and Ben helped him to set up a fire for the evening, Alan had come equipped with firewood, a spade as a poker, the obligatory marshmallows (great for sharing;) and even a metal contraption to grill your sandwiches in!

We were lucky enough to spend the evening with the whole of the McInally Family and also their friends the Berta and Miller families. We sat around the fire, and chatted about new babies, precious four legged friends (who even have their own camping chairs!), and the Queensland outback camping experience. It was lovely to meet you all, and thanks for all the recommendations.

The next morning was Easter Sunday, and the children were happy that their little hopping friend sprinkled a healthy dose of chocolate onto the grass outside our van. I also managed to take the children to church, which just happened to be on our campsite too - it was obviously all meant to be:)

We'll go to Noosa next time.

Est xxx

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