Monday, April 2, 2012

The Hunter Valley

An excerpt from our Lonely Planet:

'A filigree of narrow country lanes criss crosses this verdent valley, but a pleasant country drive isn't the main motivator for visitors - sheer decadence is. The Hunter is one big gorge fest: fine wine, boutique beer, chocolate, cheese, olives, you name it.

Going on the philosophy that good food and wine will inevitably up the odds for nookie, the region is a popular weekender for Sydney couples. Every Friday they descend, like a plague of Ralph Lauren polo-shirt wearing locusts. Prices leap up accordingly.'

Sounds good eh?

So, at 10am, as soon as the cellar doors opened, we were there. We started at Oakvale for tastings. Funnily enough we were the only people there on a Thursday morning at 10 o clock, and when I stopped to think about it, 10am is probably a little early to start consuming wine, even by my standards, but the lady at the counter took it all in her stride, so we tasted five wines (and of course that is 'we' in the proverbial sense, Alex was the designated driver, again; I have not driven since October last year, I will let you know when I get back on the road in a few weeks time, so everyone can make space;) bought two bottles and wobbled out.

The Hunter Valley region is beautiful, kind of like Martinborough, on a larger more glamorous and more commercial scale but without the lovely quaint towns of Martinborough and Greytown close by. The nearby town of Cessnock, (you can tell by the name really can't you?) doesn't really cut it. But, Hunter gets the crowds in by incorporating chocolate, ice creams, sweets, gift shops and even golf courses and children's play areas into the wine experience, very clever!

We stopped for some cookies, this spelling mistake made us grin, and Alex said, 'well, they wouldn't be made from fake ingredients would they?'. Alex went into the store to tell them about the spelling error, rather than us just laughing at them. The lady in the shop explained that it was her 17 year old daughter who had written the sign. 'Oh dear' she said, 'all the money I spent on her education.... Oh well, at least she's pretty.'

I got to take a relaxing turn around the Hunter Valley Gardens, whilst Alex and the children swung their clubs to try to win lots of money at Aqua golf. Naomi was completely convinced that they would win. Alex treated himself to a 'bargain' set of golf clubs as well, which has to take the prize for the largest thing we have to carry home (up to now;) and he is never allowed to tease me about lamps again.

Meanwhile, the gardens were quiet, peaceful and exquisite.

And then a lovely lunch, followed by some more tasting. We had rain and mist for the caves, but the sun definately shone for our Hunter Valley day, it was glorious!

I took a photo of this wine rack because Alex thinks he is going to make one of these for us when we get home. But can you imagine us ever having this many bottles of unopened wine at one time?

Bottoms ups!

Est xxx

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