Monday, April 23, 2012

The End?

It is 11.36pm, everyone in Palm Cove campsite is asleep, apart from one lone soul, keeping a tired eye open, tapping a quick post on the newly cleaned screen of her now 'old' (and well used) iPad...

Sadly, tonight is our last night in the campervan and in Australia. This eve has snuck up on me a little, and now I am all a todo. Tomorrow we will be flying back to New Zealand and the lovely, but still a bit shaky, city of Christchurch...

...and I am still about five days behind on my blog!!!

So tomorrow, in Cairns airport, then on the plane, and in Brisbane airport and on the plane again, I will be typing and remembering, recollecting and sharing, the last few days of the Skinner Family adventures (or maybe I will be watching a good movie, depends whether Alex booked budget/no wine seats or not).

Whatever happens, I hope you will come along with me, for a few more days.

Night night, big day tomorrow.

Est xxx


  1. Esther, we can only imagine how it feels to be heading home after this incredible trip of a lifetime. We thank you for sharing your window on the world for the last 6+ months. Your blog has been an absolute delight, you are a very talented (and hugely funny) writer and what you have created will surely become a family treasure.
    Aaron has been talking about your homecoming for a while now. We realise that it is a big deal and we want to let you know that we are excited to see you all sometime soon and we are here for you during the transition period as you need :) Thanks for the ride xx
    Az, Nic, Matai

    1. Hi Nic, that's so much for your lovely words or support and encouragement. we are back now, and online after a day and ahead of no wifi, can you imagine? Benny going back to school tomorrow, it is all happening so fast! Hope to chat soon. Love Est
