Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The exciting 3 o clock appointment

Our next stop was at the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie, aww, how cute!!! If people find injured koalas on the road, they call a number and the Koala Hospital people come and pick them up and look after them until they are recovered and able to be reintroduced to the wild. The Koala Hospital names the koalas after the place they are found, and the person who finds them gets to choose their second name.

We made it just in time, at 2.59pm for the 3pm, feeding and koala talk (the keepers talk, not the koalas;).

Here's one of the keepers with a poorly koala, this one is bigger than we expected!

Medicine time.

Barry is a long time resident, he is so famous, he is even on Facebook!

These little ones were a bit sleepy. Koalas sleep about 16 or 20 hours (?) - a lot - of hours each day.

Naomi and Benny supported the hospital by purchasing their very own koalas. Spot the difference!

Est xxx

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