Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Port to Port

After a pleasantly exhausting day of sniffing, swirling and sipping, we proceeded to stumble upon a special little campsite in Lemon Tree Passage in Port Stevens (you like it already don't you - I knew you would:). The best thing about it was the name, 'Koala Shores', I was happily hopeful.

The campsite was just divine. Everyone was so friendly. Within seconds of arriving I had met a lady and was introduced to her brother and sister in law from England and her daughter and grandchildren from just down the road. They gave us the latest campsite news, which was that there was a koala sitting just above our heads. Our first wild koala, I ran for the camera, it was so exciting!!!

Here is the view from our campsite, all night long we could hear the wildlife, flipping and flopping about in the water.

Then another lady and gentleman (they were living in the campsite whilst they were building a house in Port Stevens, she was originally from Switzerland) told us they were going to feed the Mum and baby possum, who lived in the roller door (?) above the camp kitchen. So we followed them too!

Yes, the mummy possum is holding a piece of carrot, given to her by the Swiss lady. Even Naomi had a turn at feeding them.

The next morning we were really sad to leave Lemon Tree Passage and our new friends, we waved a fond farewell to the koala, the possums, the Oz/English family and also our neighbours, Gordon and Margaret (no, I am not kidding!).

Gordon has suggested a pleasant walk up the Tomaree Head for the next day, and we gladly took the advice. He ensured us the views would be some of 'the best we would see'. ...ever? ...in our lives? We just had to go!

Here are our first views on the way up. There were spiders aplenty, and they were pretty ginormous. They were even bigger than this photo shows (but that probably depends on the size of your screen, if you are reading this on your 55inch web enabled TV, don't worry, they were actually much much smaller than this;)

And then the glorious view over Nelson Bay - it was worth the climb,

and the 'sea' side,

(note that Benny is still attached to his iPod, even up a mountain).

At the top of the hill, people had attached padlocks, as little memorials, which I thought was just lovely.

Then we ran down the mountain again, to rush to Port Macquarie. It was a straight three hour drive (we are such Aussie drivers now), it was 11.45am and we had to be there to see something very special at 3pm!

Est xxx

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