Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You know you're in Australia when...

I woke up this morning and strangely I couldn't remember where I was for a moment, but then I looked around for the clues, and I soon worked it out...

1. You have been driving for two and a half weeks on the same road. And it's called the Bruce Highway.

2. You fill up with petrol at the local dairy.

3. You need measurements on the side of the road to know how much rain has fallen (I say, if you can't see the road, or the fields, or your car, best just stay in).

4. There is more wildlife in the wild than in the zoo. Yes, it's a moth, the Hercules Moth, from Northern Queensland, the largest in the world. Alex had finished his shower before he even noticed it!

5. The VW camper vans are everywhere!

6. There are kangaroo, koala and wombat signs on every highway, and even some for animals that you don't recognize or actually believe exist...
Apparently it's a Cassawary, still haven't seen it, so not convinced.

7. Picking up hitchhikers is all part of the experience.

8. It's so ridiculously hot that even your car needs shades.

9. The spiders are pretty ginormous, well this female Golden Orb spider is anyway. The male is the tiny little dot on the right, he is normal sized - she just gobbles him up when they have finished mating.

10. And of course, where else in the world would they celebrate the Silver Wedding Anniversary of these two teenage sweethearts? Where are they now I wonder?

Est xxx

P.S. Wasn't she gorgeous? Well I thought so, when I was 12.

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