Monday, April 30, 2012


Sorry I have been offline for a few days. We arrived back in NZ on Monday and since then we have been very busy, going into our storage facility to pick up school uniforms for Benny and suits for Alex, starting Benny back at school, collecting our cars, and our mail (!), and catching up with everyone in Christchurch.

Naomi found her all important hair bands, necklaces and bracelets in storage, and as you can see, decided it was imperative to wear them all at once.

But more holiday stuff first. Our next day out was in Kuranda in the Atherton Tablelands (yes, I thought that was a funny name for a place too;). You sail up the Skyrail cable car over the rainforest to get to Kuranda, stopping for a couple little bush walks on the way. Naomi and Benny loved it.

Over the Barron Falls.

We wandered around the quaint forest village of Kuranda, and enjoyed the shopping, but life is not all about shopping Esther, so we took in the Kuranda Butterfy Sanctuary too.

Look at this little guy, he thought he had found his mum!

This lady was lucky enough to have the Ulysses Butterfly, also known as the Blue Mountain Butterfly, land on her and stay there for about ten minutes whilst she walked around the sanctuary, her boobs were photographed by everybody (at least I have protected her identity by editing her head off)!

They like white, so I got one on me too!

Almost a 'hatrick' for Naomi!

Then you take the scenic railway back again. The railway was completed in 1891, by thousands of workers risking their lives, some losing theirs, building tunnels by hand and making level platforms on 45 degree hills, for 85c a day.

When Stoney Creek bridge was opened in 1890, there was a ceremony on the bridge, which was attended by the Governor of Queensland. A full banquet was held on top of the bridge with tables, food and wine dizzily suspended metres over the gorge. History tells that there were no speeches that day as the roar from the waterfalls was too loud for anyone to hear - oh dear, nice idea though!

Est xxx

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