Monday, April 30, 2012

School Days

Today is a very special day. Our baby angel Naomi, at the age of 5 years and 8 months old, is now finally and officially a big school girl! We were humming and haa-ing about whether to send her straight away or to wait until we had decided where we are going to live first, as in New Zealand you don't legally have to be enrolled in school until you are six years old, but last week, she was sad and miserable without Benny and completely bored in our company, so we decided to bite the bullet, we borrowed a uniform, and enrolled her into the education system!

On Saturday we had an exciting day, buying new shoes, new lunchboxes, new school bags and even special new socks, for the big day.

She was so excited last night as we got everything ready (I even found a coordinating red flower hairclip, did you notice? I was very proud of that little touch;) and could not wait to get dressed this morning. How adorable does she look?

If she takes after her brother the jumper will be left at school and the rest of the uniform will be trampled in a heap on the bedroom floor tonight, but hey, at least the first day was nice and organised.

She did know one little girl in the class (I am sure she will get to know the other six (!) members of the class during the course of the day) and was very confident and happy this morning, so I left after half an hour, to rush off and do....errrr.......all those very important things that a stay at home mum of two children who are no longer at home, does. Actually, I do have eight back issues of NZ House & Garden magazines to read, so that's an idea for a start;)

Oh well, I am sure I will keep myself busy with blogging and cleaning and cooking hearty meals for the family (ok, maybe not so much of that last bit). Oh, and I have to find somewhere for us all to live now too. That should keep me busy for a while....

Well done Naomi, my little strong beautiful and brave five year old. You are a wonderful angel and we are so very proud of you.

Est xxx

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