Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Big Thursday in Hull

The big Edwards family night out started with a 4pm screening of Sherlock Holmes which was all very luxurious as Mum looked after Ben and Naomi. Now, I am a big fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his incredible creation and have loved the recent BBC adaptations, but must admit, didn't really get the first film, a bit too action packed for me I think, and I am one of those annoying people who tends to get a bit confused with too fast a plot, and asks questions all through the film, and even days after the film ends, but I gave it a chance, just for my special sister Jo (she's pregnant, so we don't say no to her at the mo;) and watched the sequel because,as we all know, the sequel is always much better than the original;)

But, what a surprise, it was all a bit action packed for me, and the plot was a bit too fast. Would give it a 5.7 to a 6.1 out of ten, and I was surprised as IMDB, my movie bible, gave it a 7.7, so maybe and quite possibly there was something underlying about the whole thing that I didn't quite understand.

So, go to see it if you will, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Then the night got loads better, with a posh and expensive drink in a wine bar - it was actually so expensive I ordered a small wine rather than a large.....I know!!

Then a 'Thursday night special' curry at Wetherspoons with nan bread, rice, poppodoms and mango chutney on the side, which is obviously just about as good as it gets. We went to Ye Olde Blue Bell, and Ye Olde White Harte (I don't think we were meant to go to Ye Olde Blue Bell but everyone was a bit confused and thought Ye Olde Blue Bell was Ye Olde White Harte and didn't realise until we got there, we really couldn't all walk in and then walk straight out again so we felt the fear and did it anyway). The locals were friendly enough, but I think they were all rather glad when we left again.

Ye Olde White Harte, is, as the name suggests, very old, it is one of the oldest public houses in Kingston Upon Hull in fact, dating back to 1550. Here's a guy we met at the bar, he was pretty quiet, but I think he had been waiting a while for his beer.

Yes, it is human, and is rumoured to be a young servant girl found sealed in the attic of the pub, or may be a young boy from one of the ships, killed by the captain with the butt of his rifle, discovered under the stairs of the pub (?) but is definitely, without doubt, human. He/she is a goode olde fashionede spookye mysterye!

My brother in law Mike is a loyal blog reader and was disappointed that he hasn't featured in our web log earlier, so here we are, sitting in the part of the bar where it is obligatory to tell a tall tale or two (try saying that after a few!).

And quote of the night goes to Adam, when Debbie placed a pint of Coke and brightly coloured spirit of unspecific origin on the bar. 'Debs, what's did you get me that for? You know I don't drink Coke.'

Est xxx

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