Thursday, January 12, 2012

Crazy Christmas Capers

Tonight we bid a fond farewell to Marie and Billy as they headed back home to their house (10 doors away) down Greys Manor, and tomorrow we will say a sad au revoir to Nanny and Grandad as we leave to continue our Skinner family adventures in Espanol and beyond.

Very sad.

But let us not dwell on the sadness for too long. Let us instead reflect on the fun and excitement of the last few weeks.

Like Christmas!

Can't believe it has taken me this long to mention it to you, but Father Christmas came to our house this year. Yes, I know he comes to everyone's house, but this year we actually saw him!!! Yes! Through the window! He left a black sack full of presents for everyone on the lawn and just disappeared into the twilight, like a vampire (kind of)! We just saw a quick flash of red and white and a smiling wave and he was gone. I was so in awe I did not even get a chance to grab for my camera to get photographic evidence for you. Gutted.

And, I must have been very good this year, as he brought me exactly what I wanted!

Benny also got a cool straw from Uncle Michael and Auntie Hayley.

And the indoor fireworks were a huge hit, until Naomi inadvertently dropped her sparkler onto the very old and beautiful and probably antique dining table. Nanny said 'not to worry, it adds to the character and it is a good story, and you're only going to inherit it anyway'...or words to that effect;)

And, the outdoor fireworks went off with a bang too (notice Naomi taking photos with her new grown up camera, the perfect present for our photography enthusiast)!

Let's face it, it was all a good 'craic' (as we half Irish people say). Benny did want to collect all the strips of 'crack' out of the crackers and put them into an enormous home made cracker to see if he could blow the house up, and although we were all intrigued, Marie and Billy thought this option may be the less risky alternative.

Cheers from the Skinners (and Dyers!).

Thank you Nanny and Grandad and Billy and Marie, and all our families, for making our first English Christmas in 14 years very special and full of joy.


Est xxx

PS. Naomi did get her plunger!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Can't believe its been your first in England for 14 years, and I guess the first for the kids. Lots of great memories I'm sure!
