Sunday, January 29, 2012

The 'i's' have it

Naomi and I have been doing some school work on sounds of letters. She is doing really well, but still stumbles on a few, y and u etc. The other day I held up a flashcard for her and she said 'i', 'well done' I said, 'but what does it sound like?' Confused look on her face. 'Look at the picture' I said, pointing to the igloo on the card, 'that will help you, what is it?'.

'Errrr...', frowning and trying her best to work it out...

'A polar bear's house???'

Bless her little cottons!

Then, yesterday.

Naomi: I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with i
Me and Benny, after exhausting all possibilities: Don't know, we give up
Naomi, with a knowingly triumphant smile: Eyeball!!!!

Poor kids, English is a very hard language to learn, especially when you only have your mum as a teacher!!!

Est xxx

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